The New Website is Open!

Hello everyone and welcome to the new Kniteforce website!

Isn’t it grand? Yes it is! Its splendid. I am ridiculously happy with it, and I am pretty sure you will be as well. Massive thank you to John Dent who has crafted a site that is nigh on perfect. I mean, we will add to it because we cant leave shit alone, but you know…

This blog post could be very long as there is so much to say, but I am going try and be brief and condense it all, and before I can really get on with it, I have to talk a little bit about the KF Bandcamp site:

Firstly, and importantly, we are not going to use Bandcamp in any real way from now on. New releases will appear on this site, and only weeks later will we add maybe 5 copies on Bandcamp, simply to notify people that the new releases exist. And those releases WILL NOT have the digital files attached to them. This site is now the primary place for many of the labels, and for some labels, like KFW, its the ONLY place to get them.

So to be clear, if you...

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