All the news in the entire world.

Hello everyone!

This blog should be a bit shorter than usual, because I dont have a new release to tell you about it. Cue the sounds of wallets sighing with relief. But believe it or not, I feel the same way. it has been absolutely manic for months. Getting the new site sorted we a huge amount of work, and then of course we have been handling the Breed bundle and the KFWs on this site at the same time as the Acen / Hectic / Wislov / JDS bundle on Bandcamp and it has been way too much for both myself and Lee to handle.
I think we all need a rest.
There. Did you enjoy it? lol
But seriously, a huge thank you to all of you for the frankly amazing support. Setting up the new site was very much needed…but also, getting people to move to a new site can be hard work. This is why I thought “better do a free record to help people move along” ha ha. But it turns out, people didnt need any help moving along. If anything, so many people moved to our new site that we were a little unprepared....

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New Releases and all the news!

Whats going on this week Mr Chris?

Well, its been another busy week at KF HQ, and I am very much hoping next week will basically be sitting around eating pies, but suspect I will have actual work to do. I am not really complaining, its so brilliant at the moment with all the new music and excites! but a rest would be nice…
Anyway, lets see…first up, we have new releases and restocks and the first of our good friends to have products on the site.


New Releases:
KFW07 - InnerCore - Historic & Euphoric EP
KFW08 - Dj Beeno - Mischief EP

KF116 - Liquid Crystal - Chromatic EP Vol 1
KF99R - Hyper On Experience - Lords Of The Null Lines - The Complete Bootleg Remixes
KBOOM02 - Citadel Of Kaos - Ronnies Revenge / Alpha 1
KBN06 - Tight Control - Stormtrooper EP

RRRDJ005 - Try Unity Neurons & Chemicals

A few notes on the KFWs! if you are a VIP, you get your 10% discount on anything that is NOT exclusive. So I thought...

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What A Week That Was!

Hello everyone,

My plan is to do a weeklyblog as much as I can. Some weeks I will miss it because some weeks are busier than others, and this is a week that was incredibly busy, but I do need to say things, so here I am blogging away with my eyes slowly closing haha!

Site Stuff

So, first things first, a huge THANK YOU to you all, for making the launch of our new site an incredible success. We had over 300 orders for vinyl, and uncounted numbers of order for digital downloads, and we welcomed the vast majority of VIPers from bandcamp, and most importantly, the site worked haha. That last bit was very nice because while we tried out best to account for every possible issue, you can never be sure there isnt a huge problem or mistake until it goes live. You dont know what you dont know, as the old truism goes, and while we could do the tests we thought of, we couldnt do the tests we couldnt think of. And for the most part, the site launch went very smoothly. So big ups to John Dent who designed and built the entire thing,...

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The New Website is Open!

Hello everyone and welcome to the new Kniteforce website!

Isn’t it grand? Yes it is! Its splendid. I am ridiculously happy with it, and I am pretty sure you will be as well. Massive thank you to John Dent who has crafted a site that is nigh on perfect. I mean, we will add to it because we cant leave shit alone, but you know…

This blog post could be very long as there is so much to say, but I am going try and be brief and condense it all, and before I can really get on with it, I have to talk a little bit about the KF Bandcamp site:

Firstly, and importantly, we are not going to use Bandcamp in any real way from now on. New releases will appear on this site, and only weeks later will we add maybe 5 copies on Bandcamp, simply to notify people that the new releases exist. And those releases WILL NOT have the digital files attached to them. This site is now the primary place for many of the labels, and for some labels, like KFW, its the ONLY place to get them.

So to be clear, if you...

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