Supaset 21, Knite Club, Dj Rap, Influential, And All The Other Blah Blah!

Hello everyone,

Its Blog day - and what an epic one it is going to be! So lets start with the big stuff, and work our way through the other big stuff til we get to the, er...big stuff lol.


If you visit the Knite Club site now, you will find a link to list and to download Supaset 21. This set is a huge mashup of loads of forthcoming releases on Kniteforce and its sub labels, but its main purpose is to advertise the event on the 17th of September.


I am asking you to share the mix, and to do so by sharing Knite Club web address. I am hoping the mix can function as a sort of viral advert for the night. Please post it on all your social media pages, and basically make a lot of noise about it? I would really appreciate it! Plus, I think you will enjoy the mix...there are some truly epic tunes on there. And this is just the first half of the set...should this work as a way to sell some tickets, there will be a...

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A Bunch of Stuff!

Hello Everyone!

Its another blog! Hoorayingtons! I know you love these blogs...lets jump right in!

And then, after I finished writing some of this, I realised I had gone into a long info dump about current pressing, so I have put that as the second part of the blog, so the important information is at the top....

Firstly: Some of the current crop of new releases  will not  be going to the main distributor, as they are likely to sell out via our store. The Spiritual Aura releases, for example. And the Daddy Armshouse Box Set. And the new Out of Romfords. And some of the new Hectics. 

This is just the nature of things now - we are selling more of each release, and it is much more difficult to increase the orders after they were made 10 months ago. If I could have, I would have ordered much more on Spiritual Aura and others, but as it is, what we have is what we have and thats all we have!
So if you are holding back until these releases get to Red Eye or are shipped to a store in germany, for example, I...

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Big News about Big Things!

Hello everyone,

Before we get into the blog post, a small note: Cindy (Mrs Luna-C) is handling a lot of the orders and replies to people with order questions, but we have noticed less responses than we would expect. Perhaps her emails are going into junk or spam? If you made an inquirey recently and did not get a response, please check those folders :)

It must be Blog O'Clock! And so it is. And this is a very interesting blog, I promise. Weirdly, its all about events....But lets start with a general sort of round up!

As far as pressing goes, we are still awaiting the Ray Keith Box Set, the Dj Force & The Evolution Box Set, and Baraka - A Million And One. I had, of course, hoped to get these out already, but due to the idiotic lack of paper to make sleeves and labels, many pressing plants are just sitting about, twiddling their thumbs. Or so it seems. Personally, as I ordered all three of those records nearly a year ago, I would have thought they could have had the sleeves and labels ready. I would have thought "nearly a year" was...

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This weeks status updates and plans...

Hi Everyone,

Jeez, I am exhausted. I think the relentless pace is finally getting to me a little. I am going to try and take a day off in the coming days. So much going on, and all of it wonderful, but no matter how awesome it all is, I am still getting worn out lol. Happy, but knackered. Anyway…so…err…a new blog post.

So this post is just to try and keep you all up to date and to address a few things that have come up! Firstly, status report!

KF180-181 - The House Crew Box Set
It is here, it is packed, I am picking it up tomorrow, and it will start shipping next week I promise! 

KF159 - Ray Keith, KF186-190 - Dj Force & The Evolution, KF176 - Acen Dubplate Mixes
These are both delayed by a paper shortage of all things. Yup. The pressing plant cannot get hold of the paper parts - labels and etc - to press things. I am told end of May now. I know, I know, at this point I literally want to bash my head into a wall. But I also know this is a problem...

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Pre Sale Updates and Status Report

Hello everyone,

I thought I would send an email updating you on the status of all the pre sale and current releases!
As most of you know, we have had a few schedule dates given to us by the pressing plant. The first of these was April 4th - a date when 50 titles were due to be pressed and shipped. So far we have had about 34 of those titles land with us, and we are still waiting on a few of them. Here is a status report on each!

1. KF180 The House Crew Box Set, KF154 Jonny L Remixes, KBOGR47T - Baraka.
All of these have landed and are in our possession. The Baraka have been sent already where we can, the Jonny Ls are going out today and throughout the rest of the week, and the House Crew Box Set should start shipping from Monday next week.

2. KF159 Ray Keith Box Set
This one is particularly annoying - I know a lot of you are eager to get your hands on it; It was not part of the 34 titles that have landed with us, and it has not shipped yet. Having...

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Knite Club, Status Report, New Release Alert...

Hello Everyone,

Wow, do I have a lot to talk about today. In all my years in this industry, I can’t think of a busier time, except for maybe when Smart Es was riding high in the charts…maybe…but even then I spent a lot of time just messing about (no, never, I can’t believe that!) whereas right now I barely have time to think (again, surely not lol)…

Right, so first up, lets talk about:  Knite Club

For a long time, I have wanted to do events. And for a long time, people I know, and customers, have been saying to me “Why don’t you do some events?”. But the problem with doing events is they are difficult to organise, and when people were asking that question initially, I was in America. 
Since returning to live in the UK, the label has exploded in size and the need for Kniteforce to do its own events became ever more obvious. 
For one, and without trying to sound arrogant or whatever, I think Kniteforce is possibly the largest label within the “repress / new old skool music / we really do need a name for...

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This weeks New Releases and Updates!

Hello Everyone,

I am sure you are all bored to tears with my blogs at this point. All you really want to read is “your order is on its way” and believe me, that’s is the thing I want to be saying haha! Still, with so much going on, and as has always been my way, I want to keep you as informed as possible!

First up. These are the releases going on sale on Thursday:

KOOR07 (New Decade)

KOOR08 (Various)

KRSR01 (Ramos & Supreme & Sunset Regime)

KRSR02 (Ramos & Supreme)

KFA120 (Doughboy)

We will also be adding the remained of the House Crew 6 x Vinyl Extended box sets - we now know exactly how many are shipping, so we now know we have 25 available of those before it becomes the 5 x Vinyl set only.
We will also be putting up the leftover parts from the Liquid Lethal bundle, including the USB and the 10”….the actual bundle remains the cheapest way to get all of those items, by a solid margin though, so you might wanna grab that…
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Dj Force & The Evolution, Nine T Nine Records and Doughboy USB and Vinyl...

Hello Everyone,

I guess I will be blogging a little more frequently from now on, because a lot is happening, and things keep changing so fast that keeping you up to date is even more of a prioriy. As any of you who follow me on social media will now know, we have been told another 8000 records shipped to us on Friday, including some of the pre-sale we have been waiting on for so long:

KF155 - Liquid - Lethal 2x 12"
KF154 - Jonny L - Hurt You So (Remixes)
KBOGR47T - Baraka - Nutty Bass / I'll Be There (Hyper-On Experience and Ant To Be Remixes)
KF180 - The House Crew Box Set

All of those will be packed and shipped as fast as possible. We have not yet had notification that the KF181 House Crew Bonus 12" has been shipped, and of course we will need that before we can send The House Crew Box Set out. Likewise, no news on KBOGR45T being shipped yet either, so the Baraka bundle is waiting for that. But I expect to hear both of those have shipped very soon, probably this week. And we are...

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No Releases Tonight, and other news lol

Hello everyone!

A little update to let you know there are no new releases coming out tonight (March 31st 2022)! It has been particularly busy the last 3 or 4 weeks, and it is definitely going to get even more busy from next weekend, but for tonight, there are no new updates.

However, in a weeks time, on April 7th, we will be opening up sales on the Dj Force & The Evolution box Set.

There will be 150 of the full 6 vinyl extended set with slipmat and USB (Containing every track they ever made for us, every remix and a few extra remixes). Also, three of the records are coloured vinyl to match the original Fall Down On Me is in clear red, Perfect Dreams in a kind of transparent white, and then the bonus 6th vinyl is a color that I cant remember cos I ordered this box set about 4 million years ago lol. But I am sure its gonna look great!

After those 150 are gone, there will be the 5 vinyl set, and if we have extras on the 6th vinyl, we MIGHT have those...

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This weeks updates, news, info and socks*

Hello Everyone,

I feel a bit like this today:

Well, the crazy keeps on coming, so here’s me trying to keep up with it lol….Let me hit you with some updates, starting with what’s hitting the store this Thursday 24th March at 7pm (UK Time)! And its an impressive array that leans mostly jungle but also with a big cheesy anthem in the middle of it. Brilliant!

Okay, so lets start with the main vinyl releases. First up, we have the classic and much sought after (I know this cos people would always hassle me about it) Dj Magical - Rush Hour EP on Remix Records:

REC33 - Dj Magical - Rush Hour EP

Then it all gets a little more jungletastic. Perhaps this one has been a little lost in the general melee, but its an excellent repress of a highly sought after EP:

KAP02 - Nzo & Invincible - Big Up The Dj EP

Next up is a proper awesome USB from Dj Raps incredible Propa Talent label, this is the first in a run of USBs covering the back catalogue. Full of the excellent labels earlier works, plus exclusive tracks...

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