Changes, Dj Solo, Updates, and a small green bowler hat.
Hello Everyone,
I thought I ought to update you because there is a huge amount happening, and some of it is due to me deciding to shake up and change my entire business model. Wow, that sounded boringly corporate. But to quote Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds:
"Cause people often talk about being scared of change, but for me, Im more afraid of things staying the same, cause the game is never won, by standing in any one place, for too long..."
I think most of you will enjoy the changes anyway, because it makes life more interesting.
So the first thing is something I have wanted to do for a long time but am finally doing. I am going to expand the KF store to stock a LOT more music from outside of the Kniteforce labels. This week, I would hope you will see stock on the store from labels that I know and admire or work with, including Amen brother, Blue Skinned Badger, Deep Jungle, Try Unity, Cantina Cuts and others.
I have also pulled a bunch of stock back from my distributor, including some of the early Remix Records releases, and maybe...
Essential Updates On All The Things, The Second House Crew Box Set Revealed, Plus so much more you need to know...
Hello everyone
So much to tell you, and to fit it all into one blog is going to be hard. So forgive me if I am a little abrupt! :)
In a nutshell then: The last 3 or 4 months I have been in a long battle with my old pressing plant that has gone like this:
Pressing Plant: Please pay for these records and we will press and deliever them..
Chris: Press and deliver the records and I will happily pay for them.
Pressing plant: Pay for them, and we will deliver them.
Chris: No, because I pay for them and then you don't deliver them.
2 weeks later:
Pressing Plant: Please pay for these records and we will press and deliever them..
Chris: Press and deliver the records and I will happily pay for them.
Pressing plant: Pay for them, and we will deliver them.
Chris: No, because I pay for them and then you don't deliver them.
It has been unpleasant (massive understatement).
But we seem to have sorted it out. So:
KF159 - Ray Keith - The Golden...
The Knite Club was INCREDIBLE blog post...allow me to enjoy the moment...
Hello Everyone,
Well, its 4pm on Sunday, I have had a few hours sleep but had to get up as I have two young and loud boys, and I am having a coffee with my wife on one side and Mr Arthur, who is staying with us for a week, on the other.
We are all in a sort of relaxed and happy exhausted fog after Knite Club. It is probably too soon for me to really collect my thoughts on the night, but I am going to try because I don't want to lose some of it which i might if I don't write it down now. With that in mind, forgive the sporadic, and meandering and inconsistent way this post is written. So, here is my basic feelings about the whole thing in simple picture form:
And here is my jumble of emotions post:
What an absolute joy that was. Knite Club will easily go into my top ten all time best enjoyable things ever for me in this industry. Despite being in this busisess for over 30 years now, I have never actually run a party myself. The previous...
KC merch and KC tickets and Shades of Rhythm and a lonely apple, twirling in space.
Hello Everyone,
A new blog...but why? Dunno. Its a weird time. But there things of varying importance to tell
1. We have Knite Club merchandise on sale now on the store...there will be some available on the night as well, but we thought you might wanna grab it to wear before the night, so...yeah. Got some wicked stuff, the usual array plus a split color shirt and a tour shirt...
2. The tickets for Kniteclub are going very well. its only like...17 days away. Jeez, PANIC lol...but we have so many cool things lined up, not to mention we added Ray Keith and Nookie to the already incredible line up...if you havent already bought a ticket, now is the time.
3. We hope to have the Shades Of Rhythm Box Set in our hands in time for the 17th of September. it is coming from our new plant, who are a million times better than the old one. But even so, they are subject to the same issues with getting what they need to make records as other plants, so...
Finally, some solid predictions and news!
Hello Everyone,
This is the second blog of the day lol. The first one deals with the late box sets, and you can find it here:
This one is a little more exciting, as it contains actual, mostly certain, news.
The first major point of news is this: I am moving the Kniteforce warehouse / storage facility at the start of September. So from the 3rd until the 12th of September, while you can still make orders, we wont be posting them out between those dates.
Now, the problem with moving all the vinyl is...there is a lot of it. So even though it is absolutely not the right time to do a sale, we are going to do one starting on the 25th of August, and continuing for a few days. We will drop the prices hard on older stock, and do smaller discounts on more recent stock.
We may also have some new releases on that day, but I am awaiting confirmation on that.
Other than that, I thought I would let you know what is expected between now and Xmas, other than the three...
Ray Keith, Moondance and Dj Force & Evolution Box Set Updates. VERY IMPORTANT.
Hello Everyone,
Okay, so if you are reading this you have either been directed here via an email or you are one of the many dedicated Kniteforce supporters. Either way, I apologise for linking you here, but this information is very important and it saves me replying to the same questions repeatedly. And these questions are:
1. Where is my Ray Keith Box Set?
2. Where is my Dj Force & The Evolution Box Set?
3. Where is my Moondance Box Set?
All three questions need a good answer, so let me answer as best I can. For quicker answers please scroll down to the bottom of this page! Otherwise, let me explain....
Firstly, and most importantly, your box set is coming, I promise you. I am on the case daily with all three of the above.
Here is the basic overview of what has happened, followed by a little speculation:
In 2021, we had the Covid situation, and at the same time, a worldwide heavy increase in vinyl demand. There simply weren't enough pressing plants in the world to cope with either issue, let alone both issues at once. The result was that...
Updates, New Stuff, and so on....
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the long silence. Mostly this has been because of long illness. The whole family came down with the dreaded Covid, and it went on for weeks, and then as we were coming out of it, over the hottest few days, our youngest got sick, and then as he was getting better, wifey got sick, and all in all its been a bit rubbish on the health front. House of lurgy, right here. All we could do was manage the store and the business as best we can, and it left little time for blogs and etc.
But we are all much better now, so one we go!
Right, updates first! As many of you will now know, we have got so fucked off with the endless fooling about at our pressing plant that we are moving to a new one. Anything I cut since April has been at my new plant.
However, it is not a simple job to move plants. All the metalwork and etc for current jobs is at the old plant. Moving that is a huge task, especially when you throw in the incompetence and all around idiocy that we have...
Supaset 21, Knite Club, Dj Rap, Influential, And All The Other Blah Blah!
Hello everyone,
Its Blog day - and what an epic one it is going to be! So lets start with the big stuff, and work our way through the other big stuff til we get to the, er...big stuff lol.
If you visit the Knite Club site now, you will find a link to list and to download Supaset 21. This set is a huge mashup of loads of forthcoming releases on Kniteforce and its sub labels, but its main purpose is to advertise the event on the 17th of September.
I am asking you to share the mix, and to do so by sharing Knite Club web address. I am hoping the mix can function as a sort of viral advert for the night. Please post it on all your social media pages, and basically make a lot of noise about it? I would really appreciate it! Plus, I think you will enjoy the mix...there are some truly epic tunes on there. And this is just the first half of the set...should this work as a way to sell some tickets, there will be a...
A Bunch of Stuff!
Hello Everyone!
Its another blog! Hoorayingtons! I know you love these blogs...lets jump right in!
And then, after I finished writing some of this, I realised I had gone into a long info dump about current pressing, so I have put that as the second part of the blog, so the important information is at the top....
Firstly: Some of the current crop of new releases will not be going to the main distributor, as they are likely to sell out via our store. The Spiritual Aura releases, for example. And the Daddy Armshouse Box Set. And the new Out of Romfords. And some of the new Hectics.
This is just the nature of things now - we are selling more of each release, and it is much more difficult to increase the orders after they were made 10 months ago. If I could have, I would have ordered much more on Spiritual Aura and others, but as it is, what we have is what we have and thats all we have!
So if you are holding back until these releases get to Red Eye or are shipped to a store in germany, for example, I...
Big News about Big Things!
Hello everyone,
Before we get into the blog post, a small note: Cindy (Mrs Luna-C) is handling a lot of the orders and replies to people with order questions, but we have noticed less responses than we would expect. Perhaps her emails are going into junk or spam? If you made an inquirey recently and did not get a response, please check those folders :)
It must be Blog O'Clock! And so it is. And this is a very interesting blog, I promise. Weirdly, its all about events....But lets start with a general sort of round up!
As far as pressing goes, we are still awaiting the Ray Keith Box Set, the Dj Force & The Evolution Box Set, and Baraka - A Million And One. I had, of course, hoped to get these out already, but due to the idiotic lack of paper to make sleeves and labels, many pressing plants are just sitting about, twiddling their thumbs. Or so it seems. Personally, as I ordered all three of those records nearly a year ago, I would have thought they could have had the sleeves and labels ready. I would have thought "nearly a year" was...