The Messiah Blog (Prelude, Year 1, and Year 2)


Its time for a blog - a blog so bloggy its in two parts. And we are going to talk about Messiah, their epic forthcoming box set, and all the other things there are to say that are Messiah related! So let's jump right in.

The Messiah Saga: Prelude

I have been a huge Messiah fan ever since I got into raving. The music they made was always full of samples from movies and hip hop, and was always manic and rough in a way that many artists could never seem to match. There was a feeling of restlessness, and of anarchy, and of things going off the rails that ran through most of their work, and I loved it. It had the reckless energy of hip hop artists such as Public Enemy and the cut and paste attitude of M.A.R.R.S mixed with the toughness of Stakker Humanoid. For me, it hit the absolute sweet spot, a combination of sound and ideas that I couldn't resist, and they quickly became one of my all time favourite acts, alongside other rave legends such as Hyper-On Experience, Eon, NRG, Acen, and Automation (more on them soon, believe that!!!) View Full Post

Updates, new releases information...hold tight, its gonna get AMAZING...

Hello Everyone,

Amazingly, it seems I might have time to write another blog! I know, right? Write? Well, yes. This is because after nearly a year of relentless things, I seem to have a few months with less...things. I hope so anyway, because it has really been a bit too much for me and I could do with a slightly slower pace in all honesty.

A brief rundown for those who have not been following, or even for those who have been following but still could not follow - which is more likely as I can barely keep track of it all.

We opened Kniteforce Distribution about a year ago, after Unearthed closed its doors. Initially, it was just so we could distribute our own music, but I figured, if I am doing that anyway, I might as well also offer that service to my friends? Because it's really not that much more work to add some Infrared or AKO or Deep Jungle records to a box I was going to be packing anyway.

So those labels and a solid group of others who had previously been with Unearthed joined us in our little venture, and...

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Knite Club 3 - What a NIGHT!!!!

Hello Everyone,

It has been a VERY long time since I did a blog. This is because I never have any time to do anything really, which is a problem, but I will circle back to that a little later. For now I want to talk about Knite Club 3.

What an amazing night! Honestly, I was sort of worried about it on the lead up. Any of you who follow the scene will know it is quite difficult right now.. if you don't know, the situation for many businesses, within our scene and everywhere, is not great. People in the UK are skint. The cost of housing, food, heating and so on have continued to rise, and the wages have continued to...not.

The result for our industry has been that record sales are harder to get, and events are harder to fill, and so you will likely have seen that some record labels are very quiet at the moment, and some festivals and events are closing or refunding tickets (or closing and not refunding, in the case of the more morally bankrupt organisations out there).

In a nutshell: Its tough out there.

Which makes...

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Wanna Play At Knite Club? Well, Why Not?

A Blog! Hooray!

Hi Everyone,

Wanna play a set at Knite Club? On the main stage, alongside The House Crew, Dj Force & Evolution, The Panacea and many others? 

I Thought so.

Well, have a look at the video below....

I hope that all made sense, but to expand a little...I love old skool. I love old skool acts. But...I also want the future to be as amazing as the past. And for that to happen, we have to have new talent right beside the old. The trouble is, we all know there is limited space, because there are only so many record labels, and only so many events...its tough to get a break.

With the various record labels I manage, I have always made sure I give attention and opportunities to new and old acts alike. You will always see Kniteforce supporting anyone who is working for the good of the scene, regardless of how long they have been in the scene. If you have talent and are a decent person, and if it can be done, we will make it...

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Knite Club 3 - Dont Die Wondering - HUGE LINE UP ANNOUNCEMENT

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the blog! And this one is all about Knite Club 3 - Don't Die Wondering. Today we are revealing the vast majority of the headliners, because we think you ought to have time to recover from this much awesomeness....So lets jump right in and show you the new video:

Pretty fecking epic, right? I am so excited. For the first time in literally decades, we have Dj Force & The Evolution on stage, performing some of their greatest releases, which is most of them, and Dj Force will be adding a Dj set to that...honestly, I am so excited about this I can barely contain myself. I was at some of their earlier PAs back in the day, cos they were one of the first acts signed to Knite Force, so this is brilliant on so many levels.

And then, one of the greatest talents our scene has ever seen, and also one of the best people all around has agreed to come and play for us...Yes, after a lot of hard work and deadly threats lol, I managed to persuade my...

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MAJOR NEWS. Huge Sale. Real Live Store Opening. Warehouse Move. Staff Needed soon...

Hello Everyone,

Well, for a while I have been sort of teasing some epic news. And its finally time to reveal it. Because its such big news, I am going to keep it short and sweet! You can read on, or watch the video. here we go!

In a nutshell, basically...

Kniteforce Distribution has been growing so fast, that today we signed the lease on a much bigger premises, a warehouse  in fact.

Incredibly, this warehouse is based near the center of town where we live, in Worthing, near Brighton. 

And it has a shop front. 

So we are opening a real live genuine brick and mortar record shop! An actual record shop that you can come and visit and buy music from! We will fill it with the very best old skool and jungle vinyl, merchandise, and probably some skateboard stuff as well.

This is a fairly major expansion, and we are going to soon be looking for staff to work for us in the store and the warehouse. When we are ready to start vetting people to possibly come work...

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The Criminal Minds, Parallax, Dream City, Bradders, Terrace, Run Out Review, Calling The Kniteclub, Kniteforce Distribution, Pies.

Hello My Friends,

I hope you are all well? Have a sit down, make a cup of tea, or coffee if you prefer, but the thing is to get relaxed as it is time for another blog! Hooray!


Let's has only been just over a week since The Run Out, and we are almost recovered haha. It was the busiest record fair we have ever attended, and it was really great to see all the main movers and shakers in the industry mingling with all the customers and just having a really incredible time buying and selling vinyl and talking about the scene. 
There is an incredible level of support for each of the artists and labels embedded into The Run Out, and it allows for interesting projects and ideas to come up. For example, I finally met Dextrous, who is someone I have long admired but never encountered before now, so hopefully something will come from that meeting - it might, it might not - but the possibility is one of many caused by the meeting of likeminded people in a great environment. Other things do look like they will come about...

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The Run Out / New Releases / Calling The Knite Club Blog!!!

Hello Everyone,

Well, once again its been a while since I blogged. And there are about 14 very good reasons for this, some of which will totally blow you away...but for now, I have to talk about the 14 or so reasons the blog before this was late haha...dunno why its 14. Just the number of the day, I reckon.


I need to talk about three things mainly, and they all sort of mingle and cross each other, so this is...deep breath...the...why am I out of breath?


So...hmm.,..where to start? Basically, the Kniteforce Family of labels has a load of excellent and exciting new releases coming, and many of them have exclusive versions for the upcoming Record Fair Extra-or-din-air (TM pending) - "The Run Out" which is happening on the 21st of April in London (click the links for more info):

The Run Out

And some of the incredible releases we have for the Run Out can be won if you buy a ticket to Calling The KniteClub - the excellent boat party on the 18th May...

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Knite Club 3 - Tickets Are On Sale NOW!

Hello Everyone!

This is the Knite Club 3 Announcement Blog.

Please read carefully before rushing off to buy tickets!!!

Sometimes, I look at how things are done within our scene and I think "Thats fine, but can we do it better?" In this case, I was looking at ticket pricing for Knite Club 3, and I realised that, possibly, we could. 

To put on an exciting event like Knite Club, at an awesome venue like Scala, with huge acts in multiple rooms, you have to invest a lot of time and money. We do it for the love of it, but there are a lot of expenses up front, so it is risky. The bigger the event, the higher the risk, and the more tickets you have to sell.

Which makes ticket pricing one of the most difficult things to judge. Too expensive or too cheap, and you don't cover the costs, and it's possibly the last event you do.

Over the years, a ticket selling method has become standard, and it goes like this: 

1. Announce event and put up "early bird"...

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Knite Force Crew! Dj Beeno - Afterlife / Life So Far Announcement

Hello Everyone!

WOW its been ages since I wrote a blog. I have been meaning to do so of course, for weeks and weeks, but we have also had weeks and weeks of epic releases and it has just been crazy. Crazy busy, crazy sales, crazy everything.
Having said all that, this blog especially needed to be written, because it is about a forthcoming limited edition release that means a great deal to me for multiple reasons. Forgive me if I natter on about it a little?

The label wouldn't be what it is today without the many talented artists I am priviliged to work with, and some of those artists have been dedicated to the label for a long time. Artists such as Sunny & Deck Hussy, Wislov, Ant To Be, TNO Project, Lowercase, Paul Bradley...and of course, Dj Beeno. These are people who were releasing music with me when I was still living in the USA and releasing a few vinyl records here and there, and these are artists who are still with me now, still creating some of the most epic music, and still, to use the rubbish slang of today, on "fire" lol.
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