Updates, new releases information...hold tight, its gonna get AMAZING...

Hello Everyone,

Amazingly, it seems I might have time to write another blog! I know, right? Write? Well, yes. This is because after nearly a year of relentless things, I seem to have a few months with less...things. I hope so anyway, because it has really been a bit too much for me and I could do with a slightly slower pace in all honesty.

A brief rundown for those who have not been following, or even for those who have been following but still could not follow - which is more likely as I can barely keep track of it all.

We opened Kniteforce Distribution about a year ago, after Unearthed closed its doors. Initially, it was just so we could distribute our own music, but I figured, if I am doing that anyway, I might as well also offer that service to my friends? Because it's really not that much more work to add some Infrared or AKO or Deep Jungle records to a box I was going to be packing anyway.

So those labels and a solid group of others who had previously been with Unearthed joined us in our little venture, and their early support was very much appreciated!

And like that, we were in the distribution business, and that was fantastic, its very nice to have control over your own releases as they go worldwide...the only downside was space. Taking on other labels meant taking on their stock, and we ran out of space for record storage really fast. Which meant we needed a bigger place with more space of course. We had been working from home, but we moved to a place with much more room for our business.
And that was good for a few months, but more and more labels joined us, and within a few months, we needed to find a proper premises - a warehouse, really. 

We found one, and as a bonus, it had a shop front. Hooray!

So we jumped through all the hoops to get that sorted, and then, for the second time in under a year, we moved ALL the racking, the office equipment, and of course, the enormous amount of records, to a new place.
AND we set up a shop, which was...something I had not done before. 

It took a lot of work. It was, in fact, a very exhausting few months straight after a very exhausting few months lol.

On top of that, Knite Club 3 was looming, getting closer and closer to happening. 

Running the record label part of Kniteforce is a full time job. Organising the distribution is also a full time job. So is running a record shop. Putting on an event is not a full time job, but it is a huge amount of work.

Which explains why I have barely had time to write a blog. Doing 3 full time jobs at once, and then a party as well...Honestly, some weeks I barely had time to sleep haha!

I certainly don't want anyone reading to think I am complaining - this has been incredibly tough on me, Cindy, and the KF council - we have all worked very hard indeed, doing long hours and often "wrong" hours - with me asking for some essential artwork at 10pm on a Sunday night, or hassling relentlessly for releases to be ready on the store or for merchandise to be ready NOW, or getting up at 5am to build shelving....

So yeah, I am not complaining at all...it has been incredible and wonderful and very exciting. I really mention all of that just so explain the lack of blog posts and the overall public silence from myself. Many weeks I didn't even have time to sleep a full night, I just bounced from one immediate concern to the next every day.

But at last, as i write this, things are mostly in place. We have a new person working for us, Adam, who some of you will have met at Knite Club and at record fairs, or at our shop. Plus the building of things, both physical and business related, is mostly done (for now). Now it's more a case of improving what we have built in the last year, and seeing what we can do next, and also having a little time to rest (which in my case means, focusing on the next things lol).

So...well...that was a long intro to a blog that was meant to be about upcoming releases. Lets get on with it then...

We have some huge ones on the horizon, and because of my lack of time, I have had no ability to talk to you about any of them. There are loads of exciting releases to talk about, too many to mention, including upcoming represses and remixes of Made In Two Minutes on Labello Blanco, new Move-E EPs on Kniteforce, Kniteforce Revolution and Prime, a KFW LP, Hectic and older KF represses, new albums from Swankout and Sikka, EPs and an album from The Criminal Minds, new music from Jimmy J & Cru-l-t, and The Evolution are making new tunes as well...and...well...many many others.

I will go into a post about all of those at some point soon, but today, I am going to mention the "big three" that are expected to land before Xmas.

The first, which I think we might see this month is a represses of the classic Dune Eps - Too Much, and Too Much (Remixes). Along with represses of those EPs, we have a fantastic Sunny & Deck Hussy remix of this huge old skool anthem - they were personally rgiven the go ahead by Ray Keith to do it - and Ray very rarely allows remixes. Ray Keith is, of course, the man behind Dune.

And thats not all.

Ray Keith, has made an epic new Dune album. The deal we made allows for 200 to be pressed, so this is a very limited edition 5 x 10" set. 
All the music here is incredible. The original Dune "Too Much" is of course a bona fide classic, and the S&D remix is unbelievably good...but just wait until you hear the album. It is...well...unique. It sounds like nothing else out there. Ray has truly done something quite special.
And as icing on the cake, it is going to be part of our Mov-E series. Technically, it is the last part, number 17, so it will come with the final sticker. A "shiny" haha. Although I think it will arrive before the other last few releases in that series...

KF330 - Dune - The Universe & Beyond and KF331 and KF332 Dune - Too Much / Too Much Remixes are expected late October:

In November, we will be releasing a triple album and USB combo from Micky Finn and Vital Elements. This is a hugely exciting deal for me and Kniteforce - working with Micky is a dream come true, and this is exactly the sort of deal I would have normally been shouting about when it was signed six months ago...except I was too busy being inundated with what I mentioned earlier. But still, MICKY FINN!!!!

Anyway, Micky and Vital Elements have crafted a superb album that is a history of rave from the early days to now. Each track is brand new, and is based on a slice of time that many of you will remember fondly. 
And wait until you see how it is packed - Lets just say, you probably wont have anything like this in your collection.
Micky Finn & Vital Elements - Warehouse Days - is expected in November:

And the last one to talk about is...MESSIAH! Well, anyone who knows me at all knows that Messiah was always one of my all time favourite acts, right up there with Acen and The Prodigy and Hyper-On Experience...and of course, Messiah were charting at the same time as Smart Es, so we would see them here and there back in those early years.
But...it took some supreme effort to track them down, and when I did, it was a pleasure to find they are NOT as crazy, nor as dark and twisted, as their music lol - they are in fact, very nice, wonderful people.
So they remixed Acen's Trip To The Moon, and that was incredible, ad the played at Knite Club 2, and that was just mind blowing. 
But in the background for the last 18 months, e have been remastering and remixing their back catalogue. I am not going to give too many details away, except to say we have an epic vinyl set coming, featuring all their original tunes and a bunch of incredible remixes, and a USB, all packed beautifully and uniquely.

This will be our Xmas release, and to make sure we have the right numbers and can ship in time for Xmas, the pre-sale will open on the 31st of October.

KF280-KF283 - Messiah Set - Due for Xmas 2024 (Image below might change, or might not...just so as you know...)

So basically...Prepare for The Messiah this Christmas....

Nice one,


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Wow mickey Finn and Messiah you are truly spoiling us....well thats my xmas sorted

Commented 3rd October 2024 06:28


Prepare for The Messiah this Christmas.... I definitely see what you did there... *groan*

Commented 3rd October 2024 06:42

I know...its the start of an avalanche of puns...sorry in advance....heh

Replied 3rd October 2024 07:32


Yes. Yes. And YES. I got the warehouse flier in my last package from you and am so excited about it, and the others. Two questions. Will there be vip presales like there has been before? And if not, will there be a decent "heads up" so I don't miss it like I did with the beeno one many months ago? I gobble a lot up, but there are some I definitely desire more. That being the case with all three of these drops. You guys are awesome, chris. And I appreciate what you are doing more than you know. This probably sounds silly, but your words do inspire me. I'm trying to start a school over here in the states. I read about the work you put in and it lets me know it can be done. Thank you for that. -Brian

Commented 3rd October 2024 08:27

We will likely do a VIP presale on the Dune stuff...no pre sale on the Micky stuff, that will be public and released and then boom, gone I expect lol, but we have to do it like that cos Micky has fans outside of the KF set so it would be unfair otherwise. Messiah Presale will be open to all, and likely remain open until the records arrive. So a 4 week presale I think...

Replied 4th October 2024 11:59


Well done for getting through what seems to have been hectic year.. Huge thnx for update and for all the amazing music you've gave us for many a Yr, good luck with shop n future releases top stuff 👊

Commented 4th October 2024 07:54


Well done for getting through what seems to have been hectic year.. Huge thnx for update and for all the amazing music you've gave us for many a Yr, good luck with shop n future releases top stuff 👊

Commented 4th October 2024 07:55


Not being a rich man, I usually resist the box set releases - and then cave when you do the 50% off deals (5 have been bought that way I think). But there were 2 that you mentioned in passing were coming that I will buy immediately, in the biggest bundle on offer. One is Wislov's Knite Force Crew whenever that comes, and the other, is of course Messiah. Better make sure I save some funds for the end of the month! Hail Messiah!

Commented 4th October 2024 10:02


Must... have... Messiah boxset... :D

Commented 9th October 2024 09:46