Wanna Play At Knite Club? Well, Why Not?
A Blog! Hooray!
Hi Everyone,
Wanna play a set at Knite Club? On the main stage, alongside The House Crew, Dj Force & Evolution, The Panacea and many others?
I Thought so.
Well, have a look at the video below....
I hope that all made sense, but to expand a little...I love old skool. I love old skool acts. But...I also want the future to be as amazing as the past. And for that to happen, we have to have new talent right beside the old. The trouble is, we all know there is limited space, because there are only so many record labels, and only so many events...its tough to get a break.
With the various record labels I manage, I have always made sure I give attention and opportunities to new and old acts alike. You will always see Kniteforce supporting anyone who is working for the good of the scene, regardless of how long they have been in the scene. If you have talent and are a decent person, and if it can be done, we will make it happen. Because that is both the most fun way to run the business, and I believe it is also the best way to promote a healthy scene - variety is key. That basic ethic means we will always try to find interesting and new ways of doing things with our releases.
So why not apply it to the events?
This is why we decided it would be amazing to find a way to give a newer DJ the opportunity to play at a big party. There are so few opportunities for newer talent to break through, and sure, this is only a single chance...but if we can make it work? Who knows!
This offer is open to ANYONE who is not already a Kniteforce artist or Dj.
So if you would like to play on the main stage at Knite Club, you now have a chance to do so. Here is how to do it:
1. Buy tickets to Knite Club on the 21st of September and, you know, turn up. That bit is important.
2. Practice a set - if you win, you don't wanna fumble on the main stage!
3. Turn up with your USBs
4. Hand them to the designated Kniteforce person, and they will be bagged and tagged and added to the hat!
5. Be in the main room at 12 midnight.
6. We will pick a USB bag out of the hat, and call the winner to the stage
7. Play your set and amaze the crowd! You have 30 minutes to maze and impress!
8. Hang out with the artists and crew for the rest of the evening!
Simple eh? Thats it really. We are all very excited to see how this plays out, and to see how you play out...and if you smash it, then we will invite you back for a set at Knite Club 4.
Aside from this brilliant / daft idea, we also have one of the best line ups you will see this year...

...so whether you end up being part of the line up, or just having the best night ever, come join us at Scala in London on the 21st of September for Knite Club. Don't Die Wondering!
Heres a link to tickets!!! ONLY £10!!!!
And heres the latest full line up video!
Nice one,