MAJOR NEWS. Huge Sale. Real Live Store Opening. Warehouse Move. Staff Needed soon...

Hello Everyone,

Well, for a while I have been sort of teasing some epic news. And its finally time to reveal it. Because its such big news, I am going to keep it short and sweet! You can read on, or watch the video. here we go!

In a nutshell, basically...

Kniteforce Distribution has been growing so fast, that today we signed the lease on a much bigger premises, a warehouse  in fact.

Incredibly, this warehouse is based near the center of town where we live, in Worthing, near Brighton. 

And it has a shop front. 

So we are opening a real live genuine brick and mortar record shop! An actual record shop that you can come and visit and buy music from! We will fill it with the very best old skool and jungle vinyl, merchandise, and probably some skateboard stuff as well.

This is a fairly major expansion, and we are going to soon be looking for staff to work for us in the store and the warehouse. When we are ready to start vetting people to possibly come work for us, we will post about it, and email the mailing list. If you are local to the area and want a job working for us, well, its possible.

On top of that, we have permits to host events at the shop / warehouse. The first of these will be a shop opening and release party for the incredible Cloud 9 Box Set. This will be in late July. We cannot confir, the date until the store is all set up, and thats gonna be a little while - I have done many things in this industry, but this is the first time I have set up a shop, so...yeah. Scary and exciting!

Lastly, because we are about to have to move an insane amount of records (which is my least fun job - carrying records around is HARD WORK lol), we now have a HUGE sale on at the store with many many items half price or less. The sale will be until Friday night, and will cut the price on a lot of old stock and some medium stock too.


Ideally, we will sell enough vinyl that my back will survive the move and I will be able to walk the next day lol.

And thats the news!


Nice one,


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Well that's just bloody awesome news Chris, would like to come to the launch party if possible! Also, is there enough room in that warehouse for the Kniteforce Pressing Plant? Because you know that makes sense right? 😃

Commented 12th June 2024 11:35 | Updated 12th June 2024 11:36


Wowwwww how awesome! A vinyl store :) brilliant stuff! Will visit for sure! So cool! Congrats to everyone behind the scenes! Can't wait for the launch party!

Commented 12th June 2024 11:35 | Updated 12th June 2024 01:07


Live in Eastbourne mate so can't wait for this

Commented 12th June 2024 11:40


Congratulations on the store! The best of luck to you! I am sure the shop will be a smashing success. If only I didn't live almost 5000 miles away...sad (but happy for you).

Commented 12th June 2024 12:08


Amazing news the vinyl.renaissance continues. Brilliant what you are doing for the scene.

Commented 12th June 2024 12:46


Fantastic News and right on my doorstep!

Commented 12th June 2024 01:10


We have all read about the hard work and perseverance you have put into this new baby, chuffed for you, mega warehouse next like Amazon lol. Looking forward to the Cloud9 release, 4 hour trek for me from Nottingham but I do have a project in Seaford, all about the timing 😉

Commented 12th June 2024 01:25


Brilliant news!! I for one will be coming down once in a while to check it out and grab some bits. Wicked!!!

Commented 12th June 2024 01:38


Awesome , fantastic news, will definitely be giving you a visit in store , happy days 👍

Commented 12th June 2024 01:43


What wonderful news! I will definitely have to swing by and pay you a visit.

Commented 12th June 2024 01:55


hope still going be able to buy on line

Commented 12th June 2024 01:57

the website isn't going anywhere! you can still buy online :)

Replied 12th June 2024 03:22


hope you going have this

Commented 12th June 2024 01:59


Amazing news! I live in Hurstpierpoint and work in Steyning so will be in to pester you about wax and distribution 👊🏻

Commented 12th June 2024 02:46


hope your keeping this ruing no way ill get to the shop as much as id like to

Commented 12th June 2024 02:50


Kniteforce is the gift which keeps on giving!

Commented 26th June 2024 09:41