Knite Club Mega Reveal: All You Need To Know (Blog 3 of 3)

Hello Everyone,

And welcome to my third blog of the week, 3 of 3...Its being done tonight because of boring technical reasons related to advertising Knite Club and giving people a chance to get the tickets before the price goes lucky you! Early info! Whoop!

Also, I am happy about it because I have been looking forward to this for about, oh...all my life. Haha, no. I mean, yeah, but also, kinda?

I am super stoked to be able to announce the latest acts for Knite Club. I know you were all excited to hear about Acen and The House Crew and Dope Ammo and Jimmy J & Cru-l-t and Pete Cannon and so on...and now you get to find out about our next headliner. And this headliner has not only agreed to play the event, but has also signed to Kniteforce for new releases and has done a remix for Acens new single and...Anyway, look, I guess you ought to just look at the video first:

Haha! Fucking hell. After years and years and a lot of searching, I finally gave up ever getting in contact with Messiah. Even though they had been on my list of people I wanted to work with for decades, right up there with Acen, Hyper-On Experience and others, it was just impossible. There are two people in Messiah, and one of them has a very common name, and the other has a very unusual name. Look for one of them online and you fine 200,000 people. Look for the other and you find no one at all.
That makes it tough.
And then, eventually, someone suggested...why not ask Junior Tomlin? As any of you will know, Junior did all of the Messiah artwork when they were on Kickin' Records back in the day. So really that was quite an obvious thing to do, and thats what I did. And Junior was like "sure, yeah, I can put you in contact" and then I died from a heart attack and everything else that has happened since has just been a very elaborate dream lol. 

Anyway, it was kinda like that. You know, as Smart Es, I have a memory of playing after Messiah at a few places but never beong really confident enough to say hi, if the opportunity arose, which I don't ever remember it doing. I remember seeing them in a passing car when we were driving around in London on some Smart Es related rubbish, and wanting to shout "Hail Messiah" as in the Monty Python sample, but instead I just shouted it in my head.
I am, and remain, a bit of a fan, you see? And despite my place in the industry now, and all my experience, that suff just doesn't change. I talk to Nookie, or Ray Keith, or Ron Wells, or Alex Hyper-On, or Bay B Kane, and I am still just as in awe as I was when I was a bedroom Dj playing their music in 1991. Thats just how it is, and probably how it will always be.

So for me, it was an enormous deal to speak to Messiah. 20,000 Hardcore members? Get in! There Is No Law? Fuck yes. Temple Of Dreams? Okay, yeah, that is also brilliant lol, but I have always loved the really aggressive, hard hitting and manic Messiah stuff more than that track, even tho it is a beloved classic. (Incidentally, the tougher stuff is what they liked making best too, and is what they plan to make now. Eek!)

Listen, I wore out my copy of 20,000 Hardcore Members. I know the "There Is No Law" rap off by heart. I tracked down "Ladies and Gentleman" and "The Year is 1999" as samples, but never found "you know that there's something burning over there" or the choir / opera "OOOOOHHH" noise they used. I had two copies of Prince Of Darkness and learned to mix them back to back. What's "Prince Of Darkness?" I hear you ask. Exactly. Its has a bassline that goes unff a-unffunff unffunffunff lol

So yeah. Its a huge deal for me to be working with them.

And over the year or so we have been talking, we have been planning and scheming their return to the scene. They had wanted to come back for a long time. All I did was say " know...I would really love to do things..." and they wanted to do did things!

And now, aftr all this time i get to tell you:

Messiah are playing at Knite Club 2, The Second Coming:


Messiah have remixed Acen:

Messiah are working on new material, as well as gathering their old stuff for remastering and remixing.

And Junior Tomlin is working on artwork for their new releases!

And I am very, very happy and very, very excited about it. Can you tell? lol...And you should be excited too. Unless you don't like Messiah, in which case, I mean, why are you still reading? Also, you are wrong, what you dont like is wrong lol. Maybe you came here hoping for another aardvark reference? Well, there isnt one this time. But on the plus side, I do at last get to do my best John Cleese voice and shout...


Nice one,


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Well it was right there "no one thought it would happen" not even the police, listen to the "Future is ours" all the time too, should have worked that one out lol

Commented 11th July 2023 06:12

haha...we names the event after them as well...very cunning I am lol

Replied 11th July 2023 08:26


yes love it

Commented 11th July 2023 07:01


Replied 11th July 2023 08:26


Just. Fucking. Speechless. Nice one, bossman!

Commented 11th July 2023 07:02

I am too, actually. I am so stoked about it!

Replied 11th July 2023 08:26


Well that's just straight up awesome! Looking forward to it, Messiah were one of the first rave acts I heard ❤️

Commented 11th July 2023 07:14

Yep! Gonna be amazing!

Replied 11th July 2023 08:26


Bloody hell! I was already getting my ticket tomorrow but this is amazing stuff

Commented 11th July 2023 07:14

get em while cheaper!

Replied 11th July 2023 08:26


I have a ticket to an incredible looking club night in Birmingham for the 9th Sept, I really want to go. I was talking to my mate about KniteClub 2 and said I wonder who the "not seen since 93" act is. Could be interesting. Not that it matters, I said, for I am going to the other club night that day, so I won't be going to KniteClub..... unless it's Messiah, then I may have to rethink. I didn't believe it would be, but you've only gone and done it. My 2nd favourite rave era act after The Prodigy (who are my favourite band of any genre, ever). 21st Century Jesus one of my fave albums ever... I just can't believe it. And new music coming. I'm welling up. Well played Chris.

Commented 11th July 2023 07:44

So...will we see you there? I mean, i hate to take you away from the night in Birmingham but...

Replied 11th July 2023 08:27


Is Messiah a live set or DJ set? Edit: never mind, just rewatched the video... LIVE BABY! My mind couldn't take in all the info the first time as it was busy exploding

Commented 11th July 2023 07:44 | Updated 11th July 2023 08:25

haha brilliant!

Replied 11th July 2023 08:27


Just jizzed .. twice

Commented 11th July 2023 07:51

err...hooray! lol

Replied 11th July 2023 08:28


Super excited to see Acen play live but throw Messiah in there too and we'll ..Fuck yes!!!!

Commented 11th July 2023 08:00

Right? Honestly, we might have to make this our last event cos I dunno how we will beat it for part three....

Replied 11th July 2023 08:28


Wow, wow and oh my god wow! Messiah - There is no law was one of my first CDs I've bought and it was played very very often. I can't belive it, I thought with missing KC1 I have missed an insane event, but with the possibility to be on KC2... That will be an amazing night, meeting so many people what will only be because we're in London this time 😍 Maximum excitement!!!

Commented 12th July 2023 04:46


The moment when stars align.. it seems so unreal..!!!! This rebirth is definetely a personal win for KF and even further to the scene! Who has thought after all these years that Acen, The House Crew and Messiah would be on the same stage again? And now there's a Knite Club 'pending' of 20,000 members and more than that :D Laaaarge!

Commented 12th July 2023 05:00

And yet, there's more to be announced ;)

Replied 12th July 2023 07:50